Ukrainian cases. Lesson 11

Free Ukrainian course. Ukrainian cases - Lesson 11

Ukrainian cases
Ukrainian lessons for beginners

Lesson 11: Місцевий відмінок – Частина 2.
Prepositional – Part 2.

Part 2 – The prepositional case of adjectives

!!! This course requires basic knowledge of Ukrainian. If this is not your case, we recommend you our Basic Ukrainian Course!!!

We will learn how to use adjectives in prepositional correctly and will thereby complete with this case for beginners.

Introduction to Ukrainian cases

Introduction to the prepositional case

When is the prepositional case used?

Generally, we use the prepositional case…

  • with the prepositions “в/у” and “на” (on / in / at):
Я в школі I’m at school
Моя книга на столі My book is on the table

What will we learn in this lesson?

We are going to learn the prepositional case of adjectives and pronouns.


Use this case ALWAYS whenever you want to indicate the place of an action. This case is called “місцевий”, from the word “місце” which means “place”. And this case ALWAYS goes with prepositions у/в (in), на (on), по (on), при (on). This case is never used without prepositions.

Ukrainian vocabulary

Ukrainian vocabulary

Read, listen and repeat the basic vocabulary of this lesson.

If you still don’t know how to read the Cyrillic alphabet, visit our course on how to read Ukrainian.


(male) journalist


urban, city (adjective)



сусід (masc.) / сусідка (fem.)


Далекий Схід

the Far East







дика тварина

wild animal






cosmonaut, astronaut



перший, другий, третій, четвертий, п’ятий, шостий, сьомий, восьмий, дев’ятий, десятий

first, second, third, forth, fifth, sixth,
seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth

Ukrainian dialogues


Read, listen and pay attention to the cases used

Extra help: highlighted cases + tables

We have highlighted the words in prepositional. You can also look up these grammar tables while you read the dialogues:

*These tables will open in a new window

Ukrainian grammar

Ukrainian grammar

Read the following grammar summary. We will learn the cases from this lesson.

The Prepositional Case: Adjetives

In the dialogues above we have seen examples of Prepositional Case (Prep.) in adjectives and nouns. Below we will learn more about it.

Nouns in singular
We have highlighted the endings in the tables for each gender.
Nouns in plural
We have highlighted the endings in the tables for each gender.

Masculine: -ому

  • Це мій новий стіл (Nom.). This is my new table.
  • На моєму новому столі книга. (Prep.). There is a book on my new table.

Masculine: -их

  • Це мої нові столи (Nom.). These are my new tables.
  • На моїх нових столах книги (Prep.). There are books on my new tables.

Feminine: -ій

  • Це моя маленька кімната (Nom.). This is my little room.
  • У моїй маленькій кімнаті багато книжок. (Prep.). There are many books in my little room.

Feminine: -их

  • Це мої маленькі кімнати (Nom.). These are my little rooms.
  • У моїх маленьких кімнатах багато книжок. (Prep.). There are many books in my little rooms.

Neuter: -ому

  • Це моє велике поле (Nom.). This is my big field.
  • На моєму великому полі є корови (Prep.). On my big field there are cows.

Neuter: -их

  • Це мої великі поля (Nom.) These are my big fields.
  • На моїх великих полях є корови (Prep.). On my big fields there are cows.
Ukrainian test


Check if you know this lesson:

1. How is the Prepositional plural for “дика тварина”?
диких тваринах
дикі тварини
диким тваринам

2. Which options is correct? Я живу …
про п’ятий поверх
в п’ятий поверх
на п’ятому поверсі

3. Which cardinal numeral is NOT correct?

4. How do you say “this year” in Ukrainian?
цього року
в цьому році
в цьому роках

5. Finish the following sentence: Зараз я піду …
в магазин
по магазин
перед магазином

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