Free Ukrainian Course. Lesson 12

Free Ukrainian course - Lesson 12

Free Ukrainian Course
Ukrainian lessons for beginners

Lesson 12: Йди сюди́ та допоможи́ менí.
Come here and help me.

In this lesson you will learn:

  • the imperative: learn how to give orders in Ukrainian.

Imperatives are used very frequently in our lives. This lesson will show you how to be polite (or less so) yet insistent in your wishes and requests.

Useful phrase in Ukrainian

Useful phrase in Ukrainian

Listen and repeat the following sentence:

Йди сюди́ та допоможи́ менí.

Come here and help me.

The imperative mood: Both in English and in Ukrainian, we use a verb in the imperative mood when we want to give an order. As you will see in this lesson, the imperative in Ukrainian is very easy to form.

Ukrainian vocabulary

Ukrainian vocabulary

Read, listen and repeat the basic vocabulary of this lesson.


here, this way

що тра́пилось?

what happened?







ду́же про́сто

very easy

менí со́ромно

I feel ashamed

пíсня / піснí

song / songs

Ukrainian vocabulary

New verbs

These are the new verbs that you will learn in the dialogues.

Ukrainian (imperfective verb / perfective verb)


чека́ти / почека́ти

to wait

Imperfective verbs


to ask


to remember


to forget


to hold, to grab


to help


to start


to listen, to hear

Ukrainian dialogues


With extra help for verbs!

Below you will see three short dialogues in Ukrainian with verbs in the imperative mood.

We are going to help you:

  • The Ukrainian verbs in the imperative are highlighted.
Ukrainian grammar

Ukrainian grammar

Read the following grammar explanations for this lesson:

The imperative mood in Ukrainian

We use a verb in imperative when we want to give an order or make a request. Look at these examples:

Майкл, йди сюди́! Michael, come here!
Пишíть сюди́ всі на́ші плани́! Write here our plans!
Допоможíть менí, будь ла́ска. Help me, please.

In English, to form the imperative of a verb, we remove “to” from the infinitive. To walk –> walk, to write –> write.

In Ukrainian, to form the imperative of a verb, we follow these steps:

  • We take the 3rd person singular from the present tense and remove the ending (in Ukrainian there are possible endings: -е (-є), -ить to find a base.
  • To form the imperative for the 2nd person singular (ти – you): we add to the base “-и” if the base ends in consonant or “-й” if it ends in vowel
  • To form the imperative for the 1st persone plural (ми – we): we add to the base “-імо” if the base ends in consonant or “-ймо” if it ends in vowel
  • To form the imperative for the 2nd person plural (ви – you): we add to the base “-іть” if the base ends in consonant “-йте” if it ends in vowel.

Let’s try to summarize it in the simple table with examples:

писа́ти (to write) допомага́ти (to help) сидíти (to sit) чека́ти (to wait)
find a base “пи́ше” – “е” = “пиш “допомага́є” – “є” = “допомага “сиди́ть” – “ить” = “сид “чека́є” – “є” = “чека
for you (ти) = > base + “-и” (consonant base) or “-й” (vowel base) “пиш” + “и” = “пиши́” “допомага” + “й” = “допомага́й” “сид” + “и” = “сиди́” “чека” + “й” = “чека́й”
for we (ми) = > base + “-імо” (consonant base) or “-ймо” (vowel base) “пиш” + “-імо” = “пишíмо” “допомага” + “-ймо” = “допомага́ймо” “сид” + + “-імо” = “сидíмо” “чека” + “-ймо” = “чека́ймо”
for you (ви) = > base + “-іть” (consonant base) or “-йте” (vowel base) “пиш” + “-іть” = “пишíть” “допомага” + “-йте” = “допомага́йте” “сид” + “-іть” = “сидíть” “чека” + “-йте” = “чека́йте”
Дíти, пишíть ду́же оха́йно! Children, write very neatly!
Будь ла́ска, си́ди та чека́й мене́ тут. Please, sit down and wait for me here.
Дру́зі, допоможíть менí з дома́шнім завда́нням. Guys, help me with homework.
Чека́ймо на авто́бус на тій зупи́нці. Let’s wait for the bus at that stop.

Ukrainian imperatives have many exceptions and changes of letters in the base. This lesson offers a general overview of how to form them, but please, check the imperative form of a new verb in the dictionary when you form it by yourself.

Ukrainian test


Check if you know this lesson:

1. How do you say to a friend “help me”?
допоможи́ менí
допоможíть менí

2. Which one of these forms is not an imperative?

3. When does the imperative end with “-йте”?
imperative plural
imperative formal

4. The informal imperative in plural ends in…

5. The formal imperative singular ends in…

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