Ukrainian cases. Lesson 8

Free Ukrainian course. Ukrainian cases - Lesson 8

Ukrainian cases
Ukrainian lessons for beginners

Lesson 8: Орудний відмінок – Частина 1.
Instrumental – Part 1.

Part 1 – The instrumental case of nouns

!!! This course requires basic knowledge of Ukrainian. If this is not your case, we recommend you our Basic Ukrainian Course!!!

In this lesson we will meet and will try to get more familiar with instrumental case through the dialogues, examples and grammar rules.

Introduction to Ukrainian cases

Introduction to the instrumental case

When is the instrumental case used?

Generally, we use the instrumental case…

  • to express the “instrument” used to perform an action:

  • with the preposition “з” (with):

  • to tell the parts of the day:
Він пише
He writes
with a pen
Я йду туди з тобою I go there with you
Кава з молоком Coffee with milk
ранок / вранці morning / in the morning
день / вдень afternoon / in the afternoon
вечір / ввечорі evening / in the evening

What will we learn in this lesson?

We are going to learn the instrumental case of different nouns and pronouns.

Ukrainian vocabulary

Ukrainian vocabulary

Read, listen and repeat the basic vocabulary of this lesson.

If you still don’t know how to read the Cyrillic alphabet, visit our course on how to read Ukrainian.

орудний відмінок

Instrumental case







кредитна картка

credit card



стати (+ Instrumental)

to become

він згоден / вона згодна

he agrees / she agrees




to draw

він задоволений / вона задоволена

he is pleased with/she is happy with…



віддавати перевагу

to prefer



Ukrainian dialogues


Read, listen and pay attention to the cases used

Extra help: highlighted cases + tables

We have highlighted the words in intrumental. You can also look up this grammar table while you read the dialogues:

This table will open in a new window

Ukrainian grammar

Ukrainian grammar

Read the following grammar summary. We will learn the cases from this lesson.

The instrumental Case: Nouns

In the dialogues we have seen examples of Instrumental Case (Instr.) in nouns. Below we will learn more about it

Nouns in singular
We have highlighted the endings in the tables for each gender.
Nouns in plural
We have highlighted the endings in the tables for each gender.

Masculine: -ом

  • Це мій студент (Nom.). This is my student.
  • Я задоволений студентом (Instr.). I am pleased with my student.

Masculine: -ами

  • Це мої студенти (Nom.). These are my students.
  • Язадоволений студентамм (Instr.). I am pleased with my students.

Feminine: -ою

  • Це моя книга (Nom.). This is my book.
  • Я задоволений моєю книгою (Instr.). I am pleased with my book.

Feminine: -ами

  • Це мої книги (Nom.). These are my books.
  • Я задоволений моїми книгами (Instr.). I am pleased with my books.

Neuter: -ом, -ем

  • Це моє вікно (Nom.). This is my window.
  • Я задоволений моїм вікном (Instr.). I am pleased with my window.

Neuter: -ами, – ями

  • Це мої вікна (Nom.) These are my windows.
  • Я задоволений моїми вікнами (Instr.). I give a present to my windows.
Ukrainian test


Check if you know this lesson:

1. The instrumental case only describes the instrument of an action.

2. Which option is correct? Я малюю…

3. What preposition does not require instrumental?

4. How do you say “tomorrow morning” in Ukrainian?
завтра ранку
завтра зранку
завтра ранок

5. Finish the following sentence: Я задоволений…
з моїми друзями
моїми другами
моїми друзями

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